Soy una gran fan de IKEA y uno de los motivos por los que me gusta tanto es porque sus artículos pueden ser interpretados de muchas maneras diferentes.
Por eso hoy estreno la sección "IKEA Hacks" donde os iré mostrando como he adaptado a mi gusto algunos de sus objetos.
Voy a empezar con una idea muy sencilla que está al alcance de cualquiera y que incluye un elemento conocido por todos/as: los lapiceros de IKEA.
Estoy segura de que la mayoría tenéis alguno por casa, así que siguiendo esta idea que he visto en Pinterest podéis personalizarlos con washi tape.
En mi caso podría decirse que es un doble hack porque tres de los rollos de washi tape son de IKEA (aunque en su web sólo he encontrado la cinta FRAMSTÄLLA de lunares rosas).
Es una manualidad para niños muy fácil para que puedan hacer sus propios lapiceros personalizados
Ya sabéis, en vuestra próxima visita IKEA no olvidéis coger algún lápiz de más.
I am great fan of IKEA and one of the reasons why I like it so much is because its items can be understood in many different ways.
That's the reason why today I start the "IKEA Hacks" section where I will show you how I adapt to my liking some of their articles.
I will start with a very simple idea that anyone can do and which involves an element which is widely known: IKEA pencils.
I am sure that most of you have some at home, so following this idea I saw on Pinterest you can customize them with washi tape.
In my case I could say it is a double hack as three of the washi tape rolls are from IKEA (although I only found the pink polka dots FRAMSTÄLLA tape in their web).
It is a very easy DIY for children so they can have their own custom pencils.
You know, the next time you visit IKEA don't forget to pick some extra pencils.
Ya sabéis, en vuestra próxima visita IKEA no olvidéis coger algún lápiz de más.
I am great fan of IKEA and one of the reasons why I like it so much is because its items can be understood in many different ways.
That's the reason why today I start the "IKEA Hacks" section where I will show you how I adapt to my liking some of their articles.
I will start with a very simple idea that anyone can do and which involves an element which is widely known: IKEA pencils.
I am sure that most of you have some at home, so following this idea I saw on Pinterest you can customize them with washi tape.
In my case I could say it is a double hack as three of the washi tape rolls are from IKEA (although I only found the pink polka dots FRAMSTÄLLA tape in their web).
It is a very easy DIY for children so they can have their own custom pencils.
You know, the next time you visit IKEA don't forget to pick some extra pencils.